BB OS 61. boomed to name the newly created officially by RIM as BlackBerry 7. He waswas ambassador of the world'snew. BlackBerry Bold smartphone will be printed Touch ,which are expected to arrive " thissummer ". What may you find? User knowledge promises to be easier and faster, enabled voice find available for good content on your mobile phone and web, and the browser has "significantly improved" with new features such as JIT (just-in-time) JavaScript compiler and HTML5 video support .
BlackBerry Balance is also part of the new OS, which allows you to compartmentalize your personal and professional lives into neat piles and separate from the content. Management relations may be found behind the breakUpdate: RIM has just noted that there would be "not support a legacy" with BB 7, which means that older devices, they even walk 6 versions of the OS, will not be getting any (official) updates the latest things. This has been justified by how integrated software build is with the underlying graphics hardware in Bold touch-capable handset. Basically, the old phone will not be able to run the new OS. Oh, and in case you're. wondering, no trace of QNX in BB 7.