Garmin Asus smartphone Asus launches re-Asus Garminfone, after having failed at the first launch into the U.S. smartphone world as Garmin Nuvifone handset for AT & T G60. It's hard to look back and wonder if that phone was truly considered a smartphone as it didn't offer any of the big name mobile operating platforms, but instead opted to offer its own unique spin with its Linux based platform. T-Mobile has its hands on the second offering as the
Garmin-Asus Garminfone is looking to catch a ride on the Android wagon and its growing surge in use among consumers. Always supplanting itself as a top tiered GPS manufacturer, the Garminfone will need to excel over its sour beginnings if it intends on being a force in the smartphone world as it's already crowded with a mix of manufacturers trying to get their piece of the pie. There's already a lot at stake with this launch as this might ultimately prove if Garmin will have a place in this competitive market or just stick to what they do best – making standalone GPS devices which is looking to become a dying business.
Garmin-Asus Garminfone Review
The package contains:
* Garmin-Asus Garminfone
* miniUSB Cable
* Stereo Headset with Adapter
* Dash Mount
* Wall Charger
* Car Charger
* Start Guide