HTC Director Confirmed That The Windows Phones 7 Will Be Launched Next Month

Written By admin on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 | 5:02 PM

htc mobile
It is unknown if the guy returning a regional director speaks responsible for North Africa and the Middle East, HTC record happens to Gulfnews strongly believe that the company "is the Windows 7 phone handsets starting next month." Of course, that the lines also with almost everything we've heard lately - not to torrent the leak HTC have seen specific we, not to mention - and if so, Microsoft provides the buffer pretty cheap around the holidays that the 2010 guidelines, commercial for release platform. He went on to say that HTC will release "
model for about five to the end of this year," even if they do not know how the mix of Android is Windows Phone seventh, and perhaps even Brew MP, HD Desire and Z seemed a fun way at the end of the year on the Android thing if you ask us which is a lot of space for equipment leaves WinPho impressive. Sliding Speaker landscape, all of them?

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