Samsung Epic 4G vs HTC EVO 4G Mobile Phone Review

Written By admin on Friday, September 24, 2010 | 4:11 PM

Not content to rest on their laurels, Sprint launched its second unit 4G, 4G Samsung Epic. It follows the highly popular HTC EVO 4G, the company still can not keep a stock of more than three months after the start. Both devices offer a new generation of large screens, cameras, double Android and a few other premium features. The most obvious difference between the two is the hardware keyboard Epic EVO to touch in comparison, but what separates the two? Read on to find out.

With its sliding QWERTY keyboard, Samsung 4G Epic measures a few millimeters thicker than the HTC EVO, but also a little closer to what vertical to a more comfortable. The thin EVO is more comfortable in the pocket, and when held in landscape mode. The size difference is much smaller than expected, however, and no change in any of more than 2 mm.

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