You've got a hot new concept for a reality TV show. You're doing a fashion style and image consulting for top executives in your area. You are often blown away by the lack of understanding of most of my clients have when it comes to the importance of how to present yourself. Most of them knows the nuances of packaging and presenting the core issues are hundreds if not thousands of people. But when it comes to their personal presentation, most of which fall short. You would think that there is an amazing reality show concept that will help educate business people about the importance of proper clothing. Sounds like an amazing concept, but who will watch it? Where will they watch? Knowing your audience is an important step in developing any concept of reality TV show.
You've got a hot new concept for a reality TV show. You're doing a fashion style and image consulting for top executives in your area. You are often blown away by the lack of understanding of most of my clients have when it comes to the importance of how to present yourself. Most of them knows the nuances of packaging and presenting the core issues are hundreds if not thousands of people. But when it comes to their personal presentation, most of which fall short. You would think that there is an amazing reality show concept that will help educate business people about the importance of proper clothing. Sounds like an amazing concept, but who will watch it? Where will they watch? Knowing your audience is an important step in developing any concept of reality TV show.
...First of all, start by defining who your audience is, and exactly why you are absolutely convinced that they will tune in to watch your show if it is online or on the boob tube. Try to understand everything you can about your audience. What kind are they? How old? What do they wear? Where to eat? What kind of movies do not go on? Do some homework on your target audience media consumption habits. Find out where your customers are likely to already be spending their time on the Internet. This is where your business creativity will really pay off. One of the hardest things to do on a shoestring budget or a driver for building qualified traffic to your website. However, if you get creative with the right partners on board, you can make any project happen.